Beschleunigung der digitalen Transformation

Echte digitale Transformation muss Teil der Unternehmens-DNA werden. Sie findet auf jeder Ebene der Organisation statt: Von der strategischen bis zur taktischen Ebene, von der Unternehmensleitung bis zu den einzelnen Mitarbeitenden.

Unser Ansatz und Fokus

Die Digital Practice Group von Amrop verfügt über fundiertes technologisches und digitales Wissen, kombiniert mit funktionaler und sektoraler Erfahrung. Wir verfügen über ein starkes internationales Netzwerk und wertvollen Zugang zu einer sorgfältig gepflegten Population von Schlüsselfunktionsträgern in den lokalen Märkten.

Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Auswahl und Evaluierung der passenden Führungskräfte. Zusammen bringen wir Ihr Unternehmen auf seinem Weg der digitalen Transformation voran.

Informationstechnologie, Digitalisierung & Telecom Practice Team

Sektorspezialisierungen "global content"
1Cloud, Software, SaaS and Apps

The advances in CPU power and distribution are driving a new need for competitive software solutions among a wide array of companies. The digital transformation is software-centric and the industry growth shows a lot of potential for high performance. From DevOps to low-code apps and platforms, ERP, Cloud, SaaS, software development trends change as fast as technology itself.

Amrop Digital practice prides itself on dynamism: an agile, connected, and forward-looking global team.

They are positioned to support your executive search request for exceptional professionals who can anticipate and address the transformational challenges of their business and industry.

2AI, ML and Data Analytics

Data will be used to better lead organizations and create new business opportunities reshaping your organizations. The future of work will change, humans and machines working more hand-in-hand.

Talent shortfalls will be an issue as mathematical, technical, and analytical profiles will be in high demand.

There will be a need to blend technical and academic excellence with business acumen. Needing ethical and sustainable, holistic decision-making with respecting societal concerns.

Our team has access to a global talent pool - deep relationships with skilled and innovative candidates and academics around the world. Our executive search success will bring you outstanding professionals who are able to optimize the new business opportunities of data, AI, and ML.


Digitization is an inevitable process for all major sectors and companies. Cyber threats are an inherent part of this revolution. All boards and executives must deal with this new reality.

Amrop helps our client to define and fill top-level Security Officer and Head of Cybersecurity roles. We bring an excellent understanding of key requirements, potential vulnerabilities, and organizational context.

Amrop Digital practice prides itself on where and how to start an executive search assignment to find these high in demand talented leaders.


Telecom companies need to find a new winning formula. These organizations are impacted by digital disruption. OTT and social media channels are a continued presence that is causing erosion of core voice- and messaging business. Together with regulatory pressures and fierce competition of direct and substitutes revenues are in structural decline.

New leaders need to dissolve traditional silos, streamline and develop new business teams to bring value. Using executive search assignments you can target new talented leaders who have an innovative and efficient utility mindset. They bring experience in leveraging global mobility, a focus on digital variables, bold thinking, CRM, and omnichannel expertise.

Amrop has extensive experience in the telecom sector and local and global coverage with a context-driven methodology.

5Media & Entertainment

The Media and Entertainment sector is in a high growth dynamic environment. Specific consumer demands on distributed content (language, usage, content volatility, emotional factors, and beyond) create a need for other leaders.

There is an explosion in handheld home access devices and a breakthrough in broadband networks. All leading to transitioning to medium-independent content distribution.

Multiple media and entertainment sub-sectors like Broadcast, Print, Telecom Operators, Online Gaming, and Location-based have their own dynamics and need for new leaders.

Amrop serves a wide spectrum of players, from creative start-ups to mature multinationals. The team is positioned to support your executive search request for exceptional professionals who can surf the turmoil that is reconfiguring your marketplace.

6Chief Information Officers, Non-Executive Directors

Technology not only brings physical change to an organization. The type of leaders that implement the technological change is wired differently as well. Each with her/his own knowledge, experience, and specialism. This starts in the board; their primary responsibility should be to remove the false sense of security, comfort, and routine by trying to uncover all the factors that are yet unknown.

There is a high demand for IT Directors (CIO’s) in applications and ERP, cybersecurity, IT operations and infrastructure, networking, cloud, digital solutions, and platforms. Your organization needs these Digital Directors who also are customer-centric, can manage key stakeholders, are great in storytelling, and are learners for the board.

Amrop brings valuable experience in how to set up an executive search strategy to find you these leaders.


Amrop’s Global Fintech Practice team has extensive experience and focus within the financial technology markets. The Practice works closely with a dynamic portfolio of global consultancy firms, financial software solutions and services providers, and technology start-ups operating in a series of disrupting sectors: mobile payments, money transfers, and loans, fundraising, and asset management.

The Amrop team has in-depth executive search experience working with both financial services and technology companies. This dual focus provides a thorough understanding of these two interconnected industries and is a powerful platform for identifying and hiring forward-looking leaders with the relevant expertise, cultural fit, and successful Fintech growth experience.

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